The “Just a Little Boy” baseball poem is a very good reminder to all youth baseball parents what the game is all about. I first saw it on Facebook and shared it on the MYB Facebook page. Once I posted it on Facebook, it was shared by over 750 people within a week. Over 65,000 people viewed the post. Please take the time to share this page on your Social Media pages so others read it.
I wish every youth baseball field in America would post this right in front of the stands where parents and other fans of youth baseball could read it before the games begin. Do you think this would help some parents have a little more persepective? I do think it would help.
Please click the “Share This” links at the bottom of the page. Here is the poem:
He stands at the plate with his heart pounding fast.
The bases are loaded, the die has been cast.
Mom and Dad cannot help him; he stands all alone.
A hit at this moment would send his team home.
The ball meets the plate; he swings and he misses.
There’s a groan from the crowd, with some boos and hisses.
A thoughtless voice cries, “Strike out the bum!”
Tears fill his eyes; the game’s no longer fun.
Remember – he’s just a boy who stands all alone.
So open up your heart and give him a break
for it’s moments like this, a man you can make
Keep this in mind when you hear someone forget,
He is just a little boy, and not a man yet.
Again, please the time to share your comments below and share this page on your social media pages. These are things that adults need to see before they choose to say hurtful things to youth baseball players. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
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