Do you want to learn How to Hit a Baseball Like Upton? I would love to have that ridiculous power! And his speed… And his arm strength… Basically, I would love to have all of his baseball skills!
Mark Brooks will share with you two simple ways Justin Upton is CRUSHING the ball with a very simple swing that showcases very little “pre-swing” and a WHOOOOLE lot of boom power!
That’s his way of saying…”when he hits the ball…the ball goes far”. Very
Take a look at the video above and enjoy watching Justin Upton’s batting power and think about how you can incorporate these two simple batting tips into your own approach at the plate.
Watch the video above if you haven’t already. Do you agree with Mark? What are your thoughts on Justin Upton’s stride? Do you think younger players can utilize that stride? Make sure to share your comments and/or questions also (see above).
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