
By admin •  Updated: 04/27/14 •  4 min read
Hitting Machine Academy

Hitting Machine Academy

The Hitting Machine Academy gives effective hitting advice & develops the swing worth $60,000!

One of the biggest questions that I get from parents of youth baseball players who are looking for help about developing a sound swing is where to go for the right information and advice.

Who should I listen to?
How long will it take to achieve the desired results?
Now, chances are you’re either in two categories. You’re either satisfied with the progress of your son’s swing or you’re not. He’s either performing at a level that you think will position him as a player that can compete and eventually dominate at the next level or he’s performing at a level that doesn’t really set him apart from the crowd or line-up.

Here is the most important hitting advice I think I can offer you at this point in time.

There is a difference between lacking skills and lacking an effective plan and strategy for becoming the best hitter you can be.

Let me explain…

You’re son seems to be struggling at the plate and you don’t know why….

Or even worse… He’s succeeding at the plate and you think it’s because he’s just naturally talented.

The unfortunate part is, that after failing, most parents and players assume it’s because of a lack of talent or skill when really the talent was there…but the approach was what needed to be analyzed.

On the other hand… Some hitter’s and their parents have locked in on an approach and style of hitting that is right and will be effective so long as they keep at it… But, unfortunately the hitter is lacking a sense of foundation and has yet to master the basic hitting principles that will propel him to a higher level of hitting.

This is an issue that has been part of the baseball community for a very long time… but here is where it gets interesting.

Have you heard of Mark Brooks?

He is the guy who has been turning heads while discussing with baseball parents around the world about his $60,000 swing. Don’t worry it’s not what you think…

So the short story is, Mark has been sharing with everyone his story about how he earned a $60,000 baseball scholarship after mastering 3 simple key aspects of a swing that, if applied correctly will:

Develop real Bat-Speed and Power regardless of your size.
Increase your pitch recognition skills by 50 %.
Give you a sound approach to hitting breaking ball and off-speed pitches.
Understand the basics of being a leader in a line-up.
Finally overcome the misconceptions of talent, skill, and hitting philosophies.
Mark has created an amazing online baseball community called the Hitting Machine Academy that was created for hitter’s who are serious about taking their game to the next level. Here are some of the things you will learn:

4 short-cut hitting philosophies for avoiding slumps and common bad mechanical habits that most coaches don’t even know about.
What words you should never use when trying to help your child or player perform at peak-performance all season…
How to increase your bat-speed, power and confidence without picking up a bat!
Take a look at what other baseball experts are saying about the Hitting Machine Academy:

Hitting Machine Academy Testimonials

Hitting Machine Academy Testimonials

There has never been a better time to become a better hitter. The information that has the power to cut the learning curve and avoid common pit-falls that most baseball parents and players face can be avoided if you’re willing to apply the information in the Hitting Machine Academy.

Click below to learn more.

