I am always getting questions submitted about how to fix a player’s baseball swing. Watching Mark Brooks’ video above will help teach you how to fix your baseball swing by yourself!
Many baseball players want to know how they can avoid the typical flaws in a swing that most youth baseball players have to deal with throughout a season while having to play under a coach who isn’t doing a good job of providing the right kind of feedback that guides him to make the right adjustments that are needed.
There is nothing worse than a bad baseball coach who isn’t in it for the right reasons.
Don’t worry, we have you covered!
In this AoB T.V episode, Mark will share with you two MAJOR ideas that will help change your mind-set so that after dealing with challenges at the plate, the only person you’ll ever need to depend on for hitting advice is yourself.
Watch the video if you haven’t already. Do you agree with what Mark says? What are your thoughts on these baseball hitting tips? Do you think you could benefit from some of these tips? Make sure to share your comments and/or questions also (see above).

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