Runners on 2nd and 3rd base. batter hits to ss, while runners advancing… 2nd base runner makes it to 3rd base 3rd base runner is caught dead in between 3rd and home, because SS makes play at home…. 3rd base runner comes back to 3rd base. Baserunner standing safely on 3rd base heads back to 2nd base. while heading back to 2nd base runner is called out before play is made on him at 2nd base—— umpire makes call that this runner is out for attempting to run the bases in reverse order….. is this runner out and did the umpire make a correct call?
Umpire states baserunner is not allowed go back to 2nd base in this play.
is there a rule???
usssa Baseball game.
Thanks for the question.
From what you describe here, it looks like the umpire made the wrong call. Baserunners can run back to the previous base at any time. In this case, if he ran directly from 3rd base back to 2nd base, he is fine. However, if he was past 3rd base, he MUST touch 3rd base while going back to 2nd base.
I hope this helps!
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