Here is the situation:
- Runner is attempting to steal second base
- Fielder blocks bag with his leg while making the tag
Is this considered a legal play or is it obstruction?
Obstruction is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the progress of any runner.
If a fielder is about to receive a thrown ball and if the ball is in flight directly toward and near enough to the fielder so he must occupy his position to receive the ball he may be considered “in the act of fielding a ball.” It is entirely up to the judgment of the umpire as to whether a fielder is in the act of fielding a ball. After a fielder has made an attempt to field a ball and missed, he can no longer be in the “act of fielding” the ball.
A fake tag is also considered obstruction.
So, in the case of the question asked about the situation above, it seems that the play IS LEGAL. Because the fielder had the ball while making the tag, he is allowed to block the base.
I would love to hear your comments about this type of situation. Please share other scenarios you have experienced with obstruction.
Outfield Defensive Strategy and Player Positioning
Defensive Situational Responsibilities By Baseball Positions

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