With that being said, becoming this kind of hitter is a very challenging thing to do. But it is possible and you can start by taking the advice of Toronto Blue Jays’ performance coach and big league scout Steve Springer.
We all know that you fail more than you succeed at the plate. So how do you learn from those failures?
What’s the biggest challenge?
In this AoB EXPERTS interview w/Steve Springer, he will tell you:
Why the Batting Average is Evil
What success truly is as a hitter
How to walk up to the plate with confidence every time
You’re going to love this interview!
Watch the video if you haven’t already. Do you agree with what Steve says? What are your thoughts on these baseball hitting tips? Do you think you could benefit from some of these tips? Make sure to share your comments and/or questions also (see above).
If you would like to learn more about Steve Springer and his thoughts on hitting a baseball, check out his Quality At Bats CD and DVD. You can download it from his site right now!

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