by Megan
(Queensbury, ny)
I coach 10-11 minor softball. We have lost every single game. It is frustrating because we loose because I allow girls 2 innings at multiple positions both infield (where they all want to play, but some are not as capable as others) and outfield. I believe it is too early to pigeon hole a girl to one position. Every other team has one pitcher (I have about 6 girls that want to pitch). They also do not move the girls around, am I doing something wrong???? I work on fundamentals for every girl, not just my own twins that are on the team. Am I too diplomatic??
Thanks for the great question Megan!
You are absolutely correct on how you are doing this… Winning is fun and I am sure the girls would love to win. Simply be honest with them and explain that it is your theory to allow girls to play all the positions. 10-year olds are way to young to only learn one position. They will be much better off if they dabble in all of them.
Many adults push to win wayyy to often. It is an issue they have… Not sure if it is ego or just innate, but it doesn’t help players progress.
Keep doing what you are doing and rotate the girls around the field.
Let me know if you have any other questions!

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