Especially when you know you deserve to be in the starting line-up.
Here is the thing… Sometimes baseball isn’t fair. Deal with it!
No one is ever going to care about your career more than you which is why it’s so important that you respond to challenges like this in an effective way. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Get to work instead…
Listen below to these four simple baseball tips that I guarantee, if you master, will accelerate your success as a player who bounces back from sitting on the bench to becoming an everyday player that has a HUGE impact on in the starting line-up. You will look back at this as a very effective learning experience which will make you a better player and person in the future.
Watch the video if you haven’t already. Do you agree with what Mark says? What are your thoughts on the 4 tips to get off the bench? Can you work on these simple tips? Do you think you could benefit from some of these tips? Make sure to share your comments and/or questions also (see above).
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