Runner on Second Base

By doconnell •  Updated: 05/17/14 •  2 min read

With no one out and a runner Bunt2ndon second base, a bunt is being used for the purpose of moving the runner over to third base. Again, this is a sacrifice bunt but this strategy in this situation is a little unorthodox because the runner is already in scoring position. What also makes it unorthodox is that it makes bunting up the third base line a risky proposition. Unless the bunt is executed perfectly then it could put the runner advancing from second to third in jeopardy. However, if the defensive team has their corners (first and third basemen) playing deep then the offensive coach could decide that it could be worth being unorthodox because the sacrifice could suddenly turn into a bunt base hit resulting in runners at first and third base. The worst case scenario for the base runner in this situation is if the ball is bunted too hard back at the pitcher or is popped up. If the runner is going hard trying to advance then they could get thrown out or doubled off. Also the short stop may have to move over to cover third base if the third baseman has to commit to running in to field a bunt. Again, with one out the bunt is less likely and with two outs it will be a lot less likely.

First Base: Charge in toward the bunt

Second Base: Go to cover first base

Short Stop: Go to cover second

Third Base: Take a step in and judge if its a hard hit ball if not cover third

Pitcher: Charge towards bunt

Catcher: Move towards the bunt

Outfielders: Charge in towards the infield to back up and cover bases
