“M.Y.B. Has Tons Of Info For All Coaching Levels!”
As you walk into the Youth Baseball Bats section of a sporting goods store, you look and see hundreds of them!! That is a common stressor. If you are anything like me, you are asking yourself, “Why is this so difficult?”
At, I want to help simplify your experience and give you some ideas on how to make choosing a youth bat easier. During my 32 years of baseball experience, I have been in MANY stores and accessed many baseball websites to try and find the perfect youth baseball bat for myself, my kid, or my team. There have been times where it has been really difficult. These difficulties were due to many different things… Baseball Bat Regulations (ie. New BBCOR Bat Rules), Price, bat length, barrel size, etc. Below are some simple steps to follow before purchasing a bat.
- Know Your League’s Bat Rules – As a coach, I have seen it too many times… A player comes to the first day of practice with a shiny new bat and asks me, the coach if I like it. I then have to tell him I do like it, but it is ILLEGAL to use in our league. CHECK with your baseball organization on bat rules before purchasing! NOTE: Starting in 2012, all high schools will need to follow the new BBCOR bat regulations. This is a big deal because MANY current bats, due to safety concerns, will NOT be allowed anymore. Check back for more information on these new baseball bat regulations.
- Know What Size Bat You Are Looking For – Experience tells me this has been a problem on baseball teams for many years! On each team I have coached, there has been at least one kid with a bat that is way too BIG for him. A bat that is not sized correctly will lead to bad hitting mechanics and less success. Thankfully, Louisville Slugger has come up with a GREAT baseball bat size chart that will help you determine what size bat is good for YOU! Take the time to check their baseball bat size chart below. It could save you time, frustration and money!
- Know Your Budget – As a parent, I know we all live on a budget. As a coach, I know bats can get VERY expensive! Be realistic when deciding how much money you can spend on a bat. If your child plays on a very competitive traveling or high school team, you aren’t going to get by with a $50 bat. On the other hand, if your child is playing tee-ball you won’t need to spend $50 on a bat. Just take your time and think it through.
- Research, Compare and Shop Around! – Once you know your league’s bat rules, the correct bat size, and your budget, then you can start shopping around for the best deal! Take your time… There are many very good bat companies out there.

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